Monthly Archives: September 2021

Reasons why people abuse alcohol

Alcohol abuse is one of the very popular substance abuses that often engage teenagers and adults. In some parts of the world, people see alcohol as relief from social pressure and work stress. Some people take alcohol like others take soft drinks and table water.

According to many health practitioners in the US and beyond, alcohol is a highly addictive substance that people should try to avoid.

Not to say that taking alcohol is outrightly wrong, but excessively taking it could result in grievous health and mental conditions. Some of the common downsides of taking alcohol are liver disease, delusion, abnormal blood pressure, cancer, brain disorder, and other mental and physical health illnesses.

As some people take alcohol to ease stress and cool tension, others abuse alcohol for various reasons.

Some of these reasons are:

Family history of drug abuse

About 50% of the norms, values, ideas that make us up are the things we learned as kids from our parents and those in our neighborhood. Having a father, brother, or close relatives that smoke is an alarming trigger for curiosity and the temptation to try. Most people who end up as chronic drug abusers take it up as behaviors while growing up and saw nothing wrong about doing it.

Peer pressure

Peer group influence is mostly found amongst young people. Teenagers and college students often get the pressure to take alcohol while hanging out with those who drink. It is only natural to feel left out when you see all of your friends doing what you think is abominable.

Keeping your cool and maintaining standards often don’t work in this situation. It is better not to stay around such friends than try to fight it.

Stress and Trauma

Stress is a psychological trigger that often gets people that are pressured at work and passing through so much life stress. Alcohol is a depressant that is capable of calming both the body and mind. It can be a way out of anxiety and intense emotional spike or breakdown.

Moreover, this will only lead to other complicating issues like addiction, withdrawal symptoms, alcohol dependence, trauma, and more.

Tips to avoid alcohol abuse Triggers

Many people living around are with various addictions than they can see for themselves. Most people find it difficult to avoid their addictions, and some others can not even identify that they have an addiction. This is true for various behavioral and substance abuse, especially alcohol abuse.

Most people with alcohol use disorder see the situation as normal instead of devising ways to overcome their uncontrolled craving for the substance. The aftermath of alcohol abuse is always not worth the temporal enjoyment they derive. Therefore, people are encouraged to avoid abusing alcohol and seek ways to abstain from its triggers.

Alcohol abuse triggers may include places, events, people, and the environment. They are the various things, behaviors, or circumstances that are capable of giving rise to the use of alcohol. Alcohol abuse triggers are difficult to resist and are a very notable cause of addiction relapse for addicts.

To stay sane and maintain the proper alcohol-to-blood balance, addicts should watch out for their addiction triggers and stay out of things that will lead to them. The following are a list of popular triggers and tips to avoid them:

Family and friends

Having a friend or family member who drinks regularly is not a smart move to avoid taking alcohol. Friends that party all night and come over to spend the night will most definitely come along with a bottle to cool off, so inviting you for a brother-to-brother toast would be inevitable.

This is a common trigger to look out for. Avoid such friends and family members and pass on such an invitation.

Work pressure and stress

When one is having a pretty stressful day consistently, it is almost normal for such a person to find solace in drinking. To avoid this, see a therapist when your job chokes you and you seem to be under so much stress and pressure than you can bear.

Psychological issues

Psychological issues like depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, PTSD, and are common to drugs abusers. It is often a way out of their distress and complex situation. People having such issues should visit a counselor, therapist, or anyone they are comfortable discussing with.