Monthly Archives: November 2020

Alcohol Facts and Connection to Crime

The chemical substances in alcohol can have an influence on a person’s behavior, thinking, heart rate, and even breathing. It is important for everyone, especially young people, to be aware of the consequences and problems associated with the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

How does alcohol affect a person?

It’s interesting that one drink of alcohol seem to release tension and reduces inhibition in some while others could become depressed or hostile.

There are several factors and individual differences in how consuming alcohol impacts people including:

  • Age, gender, body weight
  • Quantity and frequency of drinking
  • Duration of drinking
  • Sensitivity to the chemicals in the drink
  • Type and amount of food in the stomach when consumed

At the extreme level, a severely intoxicated person could “black out,” and forget what was said or done at the time of the incident. Immediate impacts can be inability to stand, vomiting, loss of consciousness, coma and death.

When a person is sensitive to the substances in the drink, it takes less alcohol to cause intoxication and more time for the body to eliminate the alcohol consumed.

In general, women are said to be more sensitive to the metabolic effects of alcohol. It is also established that both men and women become increasingly sensitive to the effects of alcohol as they grow older.

Lack of control over alcohol use can cause serious and long-lasting consequences. Rarely it has one victim, and the consequences are rarely short-lived. Many crimes have alcohol abuse at their root.

It is also indisputable that there are consequences related to family, society, and career when drinking is severe and when it affects the normal functioning of the mind or body.

Crimes generally associated with alcohol include domestic abuse and violence, underage drinking, robbery, assault and rape.

Crimes associated with alcohol usually impact family, friends, or even complete strangers. The problem may be centered on one person, but the consequences have ripple effects.

Alcohol is considered more likely to be a reason in violence where the attacker and the victim know each other.

Since alcoholic beverages are socially accepted drinks, it is important that young people are educated There is an obvious pattern or logical flow of links between drinking, poor decision making, criminal behavior, and legal consequences. The proof of this thinking is shown by the fact that so many people currently serving time in prisons or living with the stigma of a criminal record have a history of problem drinking.

The best way to prevent such heartache in society is for everyone to take personal responsibility when they choose to drink and seek immediate help if any signs of excessive consumption or uncontrolled drinking behavior are noticed.